Legislative Leaflet
The Legislative Leaflet Competition, a chapter event, recognizes chapters that create a “leave behind” to give to legislators. The “leave behind” shares the chapter’s FCCLA story in photos and data. When visiting legislators to advocate for Family and Consumer Sciences and FCCLA, it’s important to know your story. Why are your Family and Consumer Sciences courses important? What skills does Family, Career and Community Leaders of America instill in its members? Data is also important to legislators: How many members do you have? How many projects has your chapter completed? How many community members have been impacted by your projects?
2024 Legislative Leaflet Winners
1st - H.V. Jenkins High School
2nd - Early County High School
3rd - Oconee County High School
4th - Morgan County High School
5th - Gilmer County High School
6th - Denmark High School
7th - Dade County High School
8th - Feagin Mill Middle School
9th - Rome High School
10th - Monroe Area High School