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National Programs

FCCLA offers eight peer-to-peer educational programs to help students develop real-world skills for life within Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education. Each National Program is designed to be integrated into the FCS classroom to help reinforce lessons with opportunities for hands-on practice.

2023-2024 Georgia FCCLA National Programs Data


Number of people reached through Georgia FCCLA's chapter's National Program projects.


Georgia FCCLA chapter members completed a National Program Project


National Program Projects were completed by Georgia FCCLA chapters


Chapters submitted National Programs Applications

2024 Georgia FCCLA

National Program

Awards Winners

The following schools successfully completed a National Program Project at the local chapter level. They submitted their National Program Award Application through the Portal, qualifying them for consideration for both State-Level and National-Level National Program Awards.

State Level National Program Winners

Career Connection

H.V. Jenkins High School & Mossy Creek Middle School
Community Service

R.W. Johnson High School & Feagin Mill Middle School
Families First

Greene County High School & Warner Robins Middle School

Gilmer County High School & Feagin Mill Middle School
Financial Fitness

Ridgeland High School & Warner Robins Middle School
Stand Up

Bacon County High School & Feagin Mill Middle School
Student Body

Monroe Area High School & Feagin Mill Middle School

National Level National Program Winners

Career Connection

Monroe Area High School & Warner Robins Middle School
Student Body

Feagin Mill Middle School


Power of One

Congratulations to the following chapters whose students completed the Power of One National Program and received their Power of One lapel pins at SLC!

Apalachee High School

Bacon County High School

Bonaire Middle School

Chattooga High School

Denmark High School

H.V. Jenkins High School

Houston County High School

Monroe Area High School

Newton High School

Robert W. Groves High School

Trion High School

Warner Robins Middle School

West Forsyth High School

Applying for a National Program Award

  • Chapters must submit the National FCCLA National Program Award Application in the National FCCLA Portal to be considered for a Georgia FCCLA National Program Award (Plaque) and National FCCLA National Program Awards. This form is commonly termed the “Long Form” because it is longer and more extensive.

  • If interested ONLY in SLC Name Badge Ribbons for these National Programs, you can use the Georgia FCCLA Short Form.


More information about applying for the National Program Awards can be found in the Georgia FCCLA Competitive Events Guide each year. 

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