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Click link above to view the Dropbox Folder with activities and worksheets created by FCCLA Advisers
Click the link above to view the Dropbox Folder with all Participation Certificates for the school year.
Integrating FCCLA into the Classroom
New Adviser Resources

Georgia FCCLA
Adviser Mentor Program
Georgia FCCLA is fortunate enough to have many experienced FCCLA Advisers who would make excellent mentors for new FCCLA Advisers. ​​Volunteer mentors will be paired with new advisers in their region and/or content area. The State Office is currently developing monthly prompts for this program.
If you need an experienced FCCLA adviser as a mentor, fill out the New Adviser Sign-Up Form. ​
If you want to be a volunteer mentor, fill out the Adviser Mentor Sign-Up Form.
Georgia FCCLA has the BEST Advisers in the Nation!