Board of Directors and Executive Director
The Georgia FCCLA Board of Directors is the legal governing body of Georgia Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. The Georgia FCCLA Board of Directors provides leadership and support to the state association. It serves in a dual role that is both advisory and managerial in nature. The Board of Directors shall set policies, approve budgets, and make decisions on how the state organization operates. The Board of Directors is instrumental in the development and implementation of an annual strategic plan and budget to support quality programs across the state.
Georgia FCCLA's Executive Director is responsible for running the organization on a day-to-day basis. The Board of Directors receives and acts upon the recommendations from the Executive Director relative to the management of personnel, program, and fiscal matters. Georgia FCCLA Executive Director serves on the Board of Directors as a non-voting member.

Board of Directors Positions
3 Chapter Adviser Representatives
1 GATFACS Representative
1 GAFCS Representative
1 School Administrator Representative
1 Post-Secondary Representative
2 Business and Industry Representatives
1 Alumni and Associates Representative
Georgia FCCLA Foundation Coordinator
Georgia FCCLA State President and their adviser
1 Georgia FCCLA State Executive Council member and their adviser
GaDOE Program Specialist for FACS (non-voting)
Georgia FCCLA Executive Director (non-voting)
Meet the Executive Board
Board of Directors
Apply to be a Board Member
The Georgia FCCLA Board of Directors meets four (4) times a year and is a three (3) year commitment. Anyone interested in serving on the Georgia FCCLA Board of Directors should complete an online application that the current Board will review. One (1) Adviser Representative position is available at every State Leadership Conference.
If you have questions about the Board of Directors, reach out to our Chair at